IRFZ44N MOSFET H-Bridge Motor Driver Circuit


While driving a motor using small signals as the input signal, it is often required to change the polarity of the driving power in order to reverse the rotation of the motor. When we are using commercially available motor drivers, most of the drivers consist of H-bridge circuits. An H-bridge circuit is a simple yet elegant way of changing the polarity of the power source using simple switching configuration. In This tutorial, we are going to show how the H-bridge works and how we can make an H-bright using IRFZ44N MOSFETs.

Above is the basic diagram of the H-Bridge configuration. When S1 and S3 are close while S2 and S4 is open, the motors positive end is connected to the positive end of the power source and the negative end of the motor is connected to the negative end of the power source. The motor rotates clockwise in this configuration. Again, when S2 and S4 are closed while S1 and S3 are Open, the positive end of the motor is connected to the negative end of the power supply and the negative end of the motor is connected to the positive end of the power supply. Hence now, the motor rotates in the anticlockwise direction.

In our circuit, IRFZ44N MOSFETs are use as the switches and momentary push buttons are used to make the transistors open or close. In commercially available motor drivers, transistors or MOSFETs are used for switching purpose as well.

Best Use Case

  1. Motor control in robotics and automation systems
  2. DC motor direction control
  3. Electric vehicle motor control
  4. Battery charging and discharging control
  5. Active suspension systems in vehicles

Required Components

  1. Motor
  3. Resistors
  4. Momentary Switches
  5. 12V Power Supply

Circuit Diagram


The circuit should be implemented according to the circuit diagram given above. If the circuit is implemented on a breadboard, it is necessary to make sure all the connections are properly made. Momentary switch 1 is pressed, the motors rotates in one direction. Then when momentary push button 2 is pressed, the motor rotates in a different direction. 

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